Auxiliares de conversación: Actividades para la docencia telemática
Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.
01234Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.
","showMinimize":false,"optionsRamdon":false,"showSolution":true,"timeShowSolution":3,"useLives":true,"numberLives":3,"timeQuestion":"30","percentageShow":35,"itinerary":{"showClue":false,"clueGame":"","percentageClue":40,"showCodeAccess":false,"codeAccess":"","messageCodeAccess":""},"wordsGame":[{"word":"INNER CORE","definition":"The solid ball inside the earth made of iron and nickel","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"MANTLE","definition":"It is the largest area in the earth.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"OUTER CORE","definition":"It contains lava.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"CRUST","definition":"What we walk on! Pizza's also have one!","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"LAVA","definition":"A super hot liquid that lives in the outer core of the earth.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0}],"isScorm":0,"textButtonScorm":"Save score","repeatActivity":false,"msgs":{"msgReady":"Ready?","msgStartGame":"Click here to start","msgHappen":"Move on","msgReply":"Reply","msgSubmit":"Submit","msgEnterCode":"Enter the access code","msgErrorCode":"The access code is not correct","msgGameOver":"Game Over!","msgIndicateWord":"Provide a word or phrase","msgClue":"Cool! The clue is:","msgNewGame":"Click here for a new game","msgYouHas":"You have got %1 hits and %2 misses","msgCodeAccess":"Access code","msgPlayAgain":"Play Again","msgRequiredAccessKey":"Access code required","msgInformationLooking":"Cool! The information you were looking for","msgPlayStart":"Click here to play","msgErrors":"Errors","msgMoveOne":"Move on","msgHits":"Hits","msgScore":"Score","msgMinimize":"Minimize","msgMaximize":"Maximize","msgTime":"Time","msgLive":"Life","msgFullScreen":"Full Screen","msgExitFullScreen":"Exit Full Screen","msgNumQuestions":"Number of questions","msgNoImage":"No picture question","msgCool":"Cool!","msgLoseT":"You lost 330 points","msgLoseLive":"You lost one life","msgLostLives":"You lost all your lives!","mgsAllQuestions":"Questions completed!","msgSuccesses":"Right! | Excellent! | Great! | Very good! | Perfect!","msgFailures":"It was not that! | Incorrect! | Not correct! | Sorry! | Error!","msgTryAgain":"You need at least %s% of correct answers to get the information. Please try again.","msgWrote":"Write the correct word and click on Reply. If you hesitate, click on Move on.","msgNotNetwork":"You can only play this game with internet connection.","msgEndGameScore":"Please start the game before saving your score.","msgScoreScorm":"The score can't be saved because this page is not part of a SCORM package.","msgQuestion":"Question","msgAnswer":"Answer","msgOnlySaveScore":"You can only save the score once!","msgOnlySave":"You can only save once","msgInformation":"Information","msgYouScore":"Your score","msgAuthor":"Author","msgOnlySaveAuto":"Your score will be saved after each question. You can only play once.","msgSaveAuto":"Your score will be automatically saved after each question.","msgSeveralScore":"You can save the score as many times as you want","msgYouLastScore":"The last score saved is","msgActityComply":"You have already done this activity.","msgPlaySeveralTimes":"You can do this activity as many times as you want"}}Pregunta Verdadero-Falso
Answer these questions with True or False!
This is false! It goes: Crust, Mantle, Outer Core then Inner Core.
This is false! Whilst it is the largest layer of the earth, it consists of 85% of the world's mass.
Can you believe this is true!! We live on the smallest part of the earth!
Wrong! Lava is a super hot liquid contained in the outer layer of the earth.
This is true!
This is true! It is all rock, but temperatures of the rocks varies.
This is false! It's just as hot as the sun!! WOW!!
Word Search Puzzle
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