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Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.


Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.

","showMinimize":false,"optionsRamdon":false,"showSolution":true,"timeShowSolution":3,"useLives":true,"numberLives":3,"timeQuestion":"30","percentageShow":35,"itinerary":{"showClue":false,"clueGame":"","percentageClue":40,"showCodeAccess":false,"codeAccess":"","messageCodeAccess":""},"wordsGame":[{"word":"INNER CORE","definition":"The solid ball inside the earth made of iron and nickel","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"MANTLE","definition":"It is the largest area in the earth.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"OUTER CORE","definition":"It contains lava.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"CRUST","definition":"What we walk on! Pizza's also have one!","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"LAVA","definition":"A super hot liquid that lives in the outer core of the earth.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0}],"isScorm":0,"textButtonScorm":"Save score","repeatActivity":false,"msgs":{"msgReady":"Ready?","msgStartGame":"Click here to start","msgHappen":"Move on","msgReply":"Reply","msgSubmit":"Submit","msgEnterCode":"Enter the access code","msgErrorCode":"The access code is not correct","msgGameOver":"Game Over!","msgIndicateWord":"Provide a word or phrase","msgClue":"Cool! The clue is:","msgNewGame":"Click here for a new game","msgYouHas":"You have got %1 hits and %2 misses","msgCodeAccess":"Access code","msgPlayAgain":"Play Again","msgRequiredAccessKey":"Access code required","msgInformationLooking":"Cool! The information you were looking for","msgPlayStart":"Click here to play","msgErrors":"Errors","msgMoveOne":"Move on","msgHits":"Hits","msgScore":"Score","msgMinimize":"Minimize","msgMaximize":"Maximize","msgTime":"Time","msgLive":"Life","msgFullScreen":"Full Screen","msgExitFullScreen":"Exit Full Screen","msgNumQuestions":"Number of questions","msgNoImage":"No picture question","msgCool":"Cool!","msgLoseT":"You lost 330 points","msgLoseLive":"You lost one life","msgLostLives":"You lost all your lives!","mgsAllQuestions":"Questions completed!","msgSuccesses":"Right! | Excellent! | Great! | Very good! | Perfect!","msgFailures":"It was not that! | Incorrect! | Not correct! | Sorry! | Error!","msgTryAgain":"You need at least %s% of correct answers to get the information. Please try again.","msgWrote":"Write the correct word and click on Reply. If you hesitate, click on Move on.","msgNotNetwork":"You can only play this game with internet connection.","msgEndGameScore":"Please start the game before saving your score.","msgScoreScorm":"The score can't be saved because this page is not part of a SCORM package.","msgQuestion":"Question","msgAnswer":"Answer","msgOnlySaveScore":"You can only save the score once!","msgOnlySave":"You can only save once","msgInformation":"Information","msgYouScore":"Your score","msgAuthor":"Author","msgOnlySaveAuto":"Your score will be saved after each question. You can only play once.","msgSaveAuto":"Your score will be automatically saved after each question.","msgSeveralScore":"You can save the score as many times as you want","msgYouLastScore":"The last score saved is","msgActityComply":"You have already done this activity.","msgPlaySeveralTimes":"You can do this activity as many times as you want"}}

Pregunta Verdadero-Falso

Answer these questions with True or False!

Pregunta 1

The order of the layers of the earth go: Crust, Outer Core, Mantle, Inner Core. 

Pregunta 2

The mantle is the largest layer consisting of 80% mass of the earth.

Pregunta 3

The crust is less than one percent of the earth.

Pregunta 4

Lava is a super cold liquid contained in the outer layer of the earth.

Pregunta 5

The inner layer is made up of iron and nickel.

Pregunta 6

The mantle is made up of solid rock. 

Pregunta 7

The inner core is not as hot as the sun.

Word Search Puzzle