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I'm going to start by giving some background information on Robert Burns before you watch the video and do the activities.

Born on the 25th of January 1759, Robert Burns is known to Scotland as the national poet. He wrote songs and lyrics in Scots and English. Some find Scots is very difficult to understand (even for the Scottish!). 

In primary schools in Scotland, we are taught so much about Robert Burns and have seen a lot of his poems - so I wanted you to experience what I've learned about Scottish culture! 

In Scotland, we have what is called 'Burns Night' on the 25th of January every year to celebrate the work and life of Robert Burns. On this night, we eat haggis, 'neeps' (which are turnips) and 'tatties' (which are potatoes!). 

Some of his most famous poems are:
"A Red, Red Rose"
"Auld Lang Syne" (Which we sing at New Years Eve)
"To a Mouse"

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Robert Burns originally wrote songs to girls

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Robert Burns began to write poems his farming life.

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Robert Burns was farmer.

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Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.


Observe the letters, identify and fill in the missing words.

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