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4.3. Healthy habits


Pop-up card

La imagen muestra una tarjeta con elementos emergentes.


Cards that open in 3D.

Tarjetas abiertas en 3D.


My daughter loves pop-up birthday cards.

A mi hija le encantan las tarjetas de cumpleaños emergentes.

Spanish word:

Tarjeta emergente


1. Live healthy

Rétor dice

Look at this comic.

It shows some healthy habits.

Healthy habits are good for your body.

La imagen muestra un comic donde aparecen varios hábitos saludables.

2. A pop-up card

Rétor diceI will show you what pop-up cards are.

Watch this video.

Tarjeta emergente


Cards that open in 3D.

Tarjetas abiertas en 3D.


My daughter loves pop-up birthday cards.

A mi hija le encantan las tarjetas de cumpleaños emergentes.

3. Our healthy message!

Rétor diceCut out a silouette of a body part.

Add a healthy message.

Show the rest of your class.

I give you an example

Look at my pop-up card

I hope it helps you!

La imagen muestra el mensaje

4. Your healthy habits

Rétor diceHere we have some healthy and unhealthy habits.

Let’s see if you can differentiate all of them.

Click and drag.