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5. Think globally, act locally



Niños haciendo manualidades

The ability to do art with your skills, especially your hands.

La capacidad de crear arte con destrezas, especialmente con las manos.


She wants to organise craft sessions.

Ella quiere organizar unas sesiones de manualidades.

Spanish word:





When you show something for public viewing, such as works of art or industrial items.

Cuando se muestra algo para la vista del público, como obras de arte o artículos industriales.


We have made an exhibition of modern art in my secondary school.

Hemos hecho una exposición de arte moderno en mi instituto.

Spanish word:

Exposición, Exhibición


1. Think of the planet by acting on your class!

RETOR dice...Now, you know everything necessary to do the challenge. It's time to create and exhibit your work.

To help you, complete your challenge:


Easier to read


You know a lot.

Sabes mucho.

Now you can meet your challenge.

Ahora puedes conseguir tu reto.

Create your work.

Crea tu obra.

Exhibit your work.

Expón tu obra.

1. Gather in groups of four to six.

It’s important:

  • To respect your teammates.
  • To participate actively.
  • To ask for and offer help.

2. Think about your product made with recycled materials.

In this infographic you can find instructions to create a bag from a T-shirt, but you can surf the internet to find some extra ideas. Here are some keywords that can help you in your search: reuse materials, DIY crafts, recycling projects… Design

Infografía con los pasos para fabricar una bolsa utilizando una camiseta vieja

3. Create a poster and a video

Share your experience by making a poster and an advertising video. Remember to review everything you learned in the previous stages (page 9).

4. Your poster and video must include different requirements. It’s important:

Don’t forget to include a description about your recycled products, talk about the different steps to make it, catalogue and list it! (Page 10).

5. School exhibition

Finally, share your products with your classmates at a school exhibition. Do not forget to identify your products, detail the materials used and name the authors.

Niños haciendo manualidades

The ability to do art with your skills, especially your hands.

La capacidad de crear arte con destrezas, especialmente con las manos.


She wants to organise craft sessions.

Ella quiere organizar unas sesiones de manualidades.


When you show something for public viewing, such as works of art or industrial items.

Cuando se muestra algo para la vista del público, como obras de arte o artículos industriales.


We have made an exhibition of modern art in my secondary school.

Hemos hecho una exposición de arte moderno en mi instituto.

Do you need extra help to edit videos?

Click here to consult our digital competence guide and learn more about the apps to edit videos.

¿Necesitas más ayuda para editar vídeos?

Haz clic aquí para consultar nuestra competencia digital y aprender más sobre algunas aplicaciones para editar vídeos.

2. Peer-assessment rubric

Tick each aspect on the left from one to four according to what you think about your partner.

Peer-assessment rubric
  4 Excellent!3 Well done!2 Not bad!1 Keep trying!
To express what products are made ofHe/She can express what all products are made of. (2)He/She can express what most products are made of. (1.5)He/She can express what some products are made of. (1.25)He/She can express what a few products are made of. (1)
To give products a new lifeHe/She can reuse products on their own by following instructions. Also, he/she can help others reuse products. (2)He/She can reuse products on their own by following instructions. (1.5)He/She can reuse products with some help. (1.25)He/She has difficulties reusing products. (1)
To catalogue reused objetcsHe/She can catalogue an object, including all the aspects: title, condition, category and description. The description includes both the original and the final product. (2)He/She can catalogue an object, including all the aspects: title, condition, category and description. The description does not include both the original and the final product. (1.5)He/She can catalogue an object including three aspects: title, condition, category and description. The description does not include both the original and the final product. (1.25)He/She can catalogue an object including one or two of these aspects: title, condition, category and description. The description does not include both the original and the final product. (1)
To desing a poster for an exhibitionHe/She can design a poster including all the elements: headline, easy-to-read texts, free images and colours. The poster fulfills the purpose. (2)He/She can design a poster including all the elements: headline, easy-to-read texts, free images and colours. The poster does not fulfill the purpose. (1.5)He/She can design a poster including three of these elements: headline, easy-to-read texts, free images or colours. The poster does not fulfill the purpose. (1.25)He/She can design a poster including one or two of the following elements: headline, easy-to-read texts, free images or colours. The poster does not fulfill the purpose. (1)
To record a video sloganHe/She can record a video slogan on their own by following instructions. Also, he/she can help others to record their videos. (2)He/She can record a video slogan on their own by following instructions. (1.5)He/She can record a video slogan with some help. (1.25)He/She has difficulties recording a video slogan. (1)
  • Activity
  • Name
  • Date
  • Score
  • Notes
  • Reset
  • Print
  • Apply
  • New Window

3. Answering Patterns

To reach a goal, it is convenient that you are a good strategist. That is to say, to have methods, techniques, "tricks" to get to where you want to be sooner or easier.

Now I am going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your challenge!

This strategy is called "Types of answering".

As you know, throughout your school life you are faced with very different activities. Therefore, there is also a wide range of question types that you have to answer differently depending on their characteristics. But, in general, questions can be closed or open-ended.

We have now reached the final task so it is time to check your answers during this task.

Therefore we suggest you to click on "Types of answering". Here you can find out how to do it.

Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para llegar a una meta, es conveniente que seas un buen o buena estratega. Es decir, tener métodos, técnicas, “trucos” para llegar antes o de forma más fácil donde tú quieres.

Ahora te voy a enseñar una estrategia, ¡Aprovéchala para alcanzar tu reto!

Esta estrategia se llama ”Tipos de respuesta”

Como sabes, a lo largo de tu vida escolar te enfrentas a actividades muy diferentes. Por ello, también existe un gran abanico de tipos de preguntas a las que debes contestar de diferente forma según sus características. Pero, en general, las preguntas pueden ser cerradas o abiertas.

Ya hemos llegado a la tarea final así que es el momento de comprobar tus respuestas durante esta tarea.

Por ello te proponemos que hagas click en “Tipos de respuesta”. Aquí puedes consultar la forma de hacerlo.

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

4. What have I learned?

In this last step, I am going to ask you to think about what has been the most important thing you have learnt in order to achieve the challenge.

What you discover by thinking, will help you when you have to meet similar challenges in the future.

Stop for a moment and complete STEP 4 of your Learning Journal (What have I learned?)!


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Cheer up, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

En este último paso te voy a proponer que pienses en qué ha sido lo más importante de todo lo que has aprendido para conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.

Lo que descubras pensando en ello te servirá para cuando tengas que alcanzar retos parecidos en un futuro.

¡Para un momento y completa el PASO 4 de tu Diario de aprendizaje (¿Qué he aprendido?)!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!