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4.1. Good intentions for the planet



Pictograma de una carpeta de anillas

An item used for securing loose papers together.

Objeto para sujetar papeles sueltos.


Students use a binder to secure clock handles.

El alumnado utiliza encuadernadores para fijar las manillas de los relojes.

Spanish word:



Dashed line

Pictograma de una carretera con línea discontinua

A line which is made up of a number of dots.

Línea formada por una serie de trazos separados entre sí.


Dashed lines on the road allow you to overtake other vehícules.

Una línea discontinua en la carretera te permite adelantar a otros vehículos.

Spanish word:

Línea discontinua



Pictograma de un adivino intentado predecir el destino en una bola

Chance or luck that affects human destiny or futuro.

Ocasión o suerte que afecta al destino o futuro de la humanidad.


Fortune brings good students great marks.

La suerte trae grandes resultados a quienes estudian.

Spanish word:

Suerte, destino, fortuna.



Pictograma de un puf

A soft, large cushion or seat with no back.

Cojín o asiento grande y blando sin respaldo.


They are going to buy new pouffes for the school library.

Van a comprar nuevos pufs para la biblioteca del colegio.

Spanish word:



1. The best of intentions

RETOR dice...To start reusing objects, we must say the final product we want to do.

Also, we need to express our intentions about reusing.

So, let’s learn what verb tense to use for that purpose.


Easier to read


Una persona de perfil con la boca abierta. De la boca sale un bocadillo de diálogo con las palabras bla, bla, blaSay what product you are going to make.

Di qué producto vas a hacer.

Una persona con una tiza en la mano explica aldo delante de una pizarraExplain why you want to reuse.

Explica por qué quieres reutilizar.

Sobre la cabeza de una persona hay números y letras. Unas flechas van de éstos hasta la cabezaLearn the necessary verb tense.

Aprende el tiempo verbal necesario.

Un reloj de arena.The verb tense tells you whether it is present, past or future.

El tiempo verbal te dice si es presente, pasado o futuro.

Future: going to

Going to future Affirmative Negative
I I am going to reuse objects. I’m not going to reuse objects.
He/she/it He/she is going to reuse objects. He/she is not going to reuse objects.
We/you/they We/you/they are going to reuse objects. We/you/they are not going to reuse objects.
Am I going to reuse objects?
Is he/she going to reuse objects?
Are we/you/they going to reuse objects?
Short answers
Yes, I am.
he, she, it is.
we, you, they are.
No, I am not.
he, she, it is not / isn’t.
we, you, they are not / aren’t.


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Going to: use and form


Person + am/ is / are + going to + infinitive


I am going to reuse objects.

She is going to reuse objects.


person + am / is / are + not + going to + infinitive


He is not going to reuse objects.


Am/ is / are + person + going to + infinitive


Are you going to reuse objects?

Are they going to reuse objects?


Affirmative answers: Yes + person + am /is / are


Yes, I am.

Negative answers: No + person + am / is / are + not


No, I’m not.

2. Intentions matter

RETOR dice...Now, it’s time to practise what we learnt about “going to.”

So this is why we will express and ask for intentions about reusing.


Easier to read


Practice the verb going to.

Practica el verbo ir a.

Say what you are going to reuse.

Di qué vas a reutilizar.

Ask what they are going to reuse.

Pregunta qué van a reutilizar.

Option A: Say True or False

Listen to the conversation.

Then decide whether the sentences are True or False.


Kate is asking John questions about his reusing intentions.

Kate: Hello, John.

John: Hi, Kate.

Kate: John, are you going to make a wallet with that tetrabrik?

John: No, I’m not. I’m going to make a game.

Kate: Ok. Is it going to be a board game?

John: Yes, it is. It’s going to be a tic tac toe game.

Kate: That’s a good idea. Are you going to reuse that carboard box?

John: Yes, I am. I’m going to play draughts.

Kate: Great. Are you going to paint the bottle caps?

John: No, I’m not. I’m going to use caps in different colours.

Kate: Perfect. And… are you going to reuse that T-shirt?

Jonh: Yes, I am. I’m going to make a shopping bag.

Kate: That’s a great idea. Are you going to reuse that tyre?

John: Yes, I am.

Kate: Interesting. Are you going to make a pair of sandals?

John: No, I’m not. I’m going to make a pouffe.

Kate: Thank you, John.

John: Goodbye.

Question 1

1. Kate and John talk about reusing intentions.


Think carefully!

Question 2

2. John is going to make a wallet with a tetrabrik.


Think carefully!

Question 3

3. John is going to make a video game.


Think carefully!

Question 4

4. John is not going to reuse the cardboard box.


Think carefully!

Question 5

5. John is going to use caps in different colours.


Think carefully!

Question 6

6. John is going to make a shopping bag.


Think carefully!

Question 7

7. Kate is going to reuse a tyre.


Think carefully!

Question 8

8. John is not going to make a pouffe.

Pictograma de un puf


A soft, large cushion or seat with no back.

Cojín o asiento grande y blando sin respaldo.


They are going to buy new pouffes for the school library.

Van a comprar nuevos pufs para la biblioteca del colegio.


Think carefully!

Option B: Dictation

Option C: Read and choose the correct option

Read the sentences and choose the correct word to fill the gaps.

Choose one answer per sentence.

1. She’s going to the bottle.

2. Are they going to the classroom green?

3. We’re not glue the pieces together.

4. Are they bend the newspapers?

5. You are not going a poster.

6.  She going to do cut-out activities for the project.

7. It  (not) going to be a board game.

8. I’m going bottle caps.

9. Is  he to reuse T-shirts?

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Option D: Fortune wheel

Fortune wheel. Part 1

Firstly, cut out the two pieces.

Secondly, cut out the part with the dashed lines.

Thirdly, put the wheel on the right on top of the other using a binder.

Finally, turn the wheel and ask the questions you get.

Click here to download the worksheet

Captura de pantalla del documento Fortune wheel. Part 1

Fortune wheel. Part 2

  1. Colour and draw your own wheel.
  2. Write your “Going to” questions related to reusing.
  3. Cut out the two pieces and the part with dashed lines.
  4. Put the two pieces together using a binder.
  5. Turn the wheel and play

Click here to download the worksheet

Captura de pantalla del documento  Fortune wheel. Part 2

Pictograma de un adivino intentado predecir el destino en una bola

Chance or luck that affects human destiny or futuro.

Ocasión o suerte que afecta al destino o futuro de la humanidad.


Fortune brings good students great marks.

La suerte trae grandes resultados a quienes estudian.

Pictograma de una carpeta de anillas

An item used for securing loose papers together.

Objeto para sujetar papeles sueltos.


Students use a binder to secure clock handles.

El alumnado utiliza encuadernadores para fijar las manillas de los relojes.

Pictograma de una carretera con línea discontinua


A line which is made up of a number of dots.

Línea formada por una serie de trazos separados entre sí.


Dashed lines on the road allow you to overtake other vehícules.

Una línea discontinua en la carretera te permite adelantar a otros vehículos.