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6. Follow your diet

Rétor dice...

You are very talented! You created a healthy plan for your school!
Now, don’t forget to follow the menu every week.
Now you can share the menu with the school using the official webpage,
you can create other weekly menus to help the school cafeteria and
whenever you eat out you can distinguish a healthy from an unhealthy menu.

Easy to read


La imagen muestra un conjunto de capacidades You are very talented.

Tú tienes mucho talento.

La imagen muestra una muestra de varios platos de comida You created a healthy plan for your school.
Now, you follow the menu every week.

Tú has creado un menú saludable para tu escuela.
Ahora tú sigues el menú cada semana.

La imagen muestra un hombre pasando fotos de comida a un portátil You can share the menu in the official webpage.

Tú compartes el menú en la web del instituto.

La imagen muestra el cartel menú de una cafetería You can create other weekly menus the school cafeteria.

También tú creas otros menús para la cafetería del instituto.

La imagen muestra comida saludable y no saludable You can distinguish a healthy from an unhealthy menu.

Tú puedes diferenciar un menú saludable y otro no saludable.

1. What you have learnt


La imagen muestra un resumen de los contenidos trabajados en el REA 4


You are a smart cookie!

Now you can:

  • distinguish healthy from unhealthy food
  • understand food intolerances
  • use containers
  • have healthy habits at school
  • create a healthy menu

2. To conclude

To conclude, let's remember the strategy or "trick" that you have learned during this challenge.

We taught you this strategy or "trick" and you worked on it in the section 4 “Breakfast at school”

Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you to achieve the challenge we proposed to you.

Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page. In this section you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you.


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it! 

Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para concluir, vamos a recordar la estrategia o el “truco” que has aprendido durante este reto.

Esta estrategia o “truco” te lo enseñamos y lo trabajaste en el apartado revisión.

Vuelve a dicho apartado y repasa un momento en qué consistía y cómo te sirvió para llegar a conseguir el reto que te proponíamos.

Abre ahora el Diario de Aprendizaje y completa su última página. En este apartado guardarás información valiosa sobre la estrategia, en qué actividades las has aplicado, si ha sido útil y qué te ha resultado más difícil.


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Sigue trabajando así! ¡Lo estás haciendo genial!

3. Rubric

1. You worked in groups to learn about what students usually eat for breakfast at school, read food labels and classify food into healthy or unhealthy food.Your communication and organisation with others in your group is excellent. You are perfectly integrated into your team and classifying the food after reading the food shows the result of an excellent team work. (20)You can work with your group at a good level. You communicate and organise well with the rest of your teammates. (15)At some points you didn’t communicate with your teammates, you can’t understand all the information in the food labels and as a result you can’t classify all the food. (10)You worked on your own and didn’t organise properly with your teammates and the final result is not unified. Your team is not integrated. Your classification isn’t completed and you didn’t understand all the information on the labels. (5)
2. You learned about different types of breakfasts, food intolerances, food collocations with “-free”.You know many different types of breakfasts and food intolerances. You can choose and use food collocations using “-free”. You can tell others about different types of breakfasts and can help others with collocations with (20)You know about different types of breakfasts related to food intolerances. You can use different food collocations using “-free” to talk about food and intolerances. (15)You know some different types of breakfasts, some food intolerances and you can choose and use some food collocations using “-free”. You can’t relate breakfasts and food intolerances. (10)You can’t talk about different types of breakfasts related to food intolerances. You can’t use food collocations using “-free”. (5)
3. You analysed the breakfast eating habits of your classmates and presented the data using graphics to use later in the creation of your menu.You interviewed many of your classmates and the graphic showing the results is excellent. The information you collected is very helpful for the creation of your menu. (20)You interviewed some of your classmates. The graphic with the results is not very clear but still the information is useful for your menu. (15)You didn’t interview many classmates. The graphic with the results is confusing. The information may not be suitable for the creation of your menu. (10)You only interviewed a few classmates. The graphic with the results is incomplete and unfinished. The information you collected is not enough to create a healthy menu. (5)
4. You used food containers and questions using collocations with -free and food allergies to make a survey and create a healthy menu.You used the right questions following the tips to make a survey and using food containers and “-free” food collocations and including food allergies. The result is amazing. (20)You used long questions, many yes/no questions but you followed most of the tips to make a survey. You didn’t include one of these aspects: “-free” food collocations or containers or food allergies but the final result is attractive. (15)You didn’t follow all the tips to make a survey. You missed to use food containers and “-free” collocations. The survey can improve with some changes. (10)You didn’t follow any tips to make a survey.You didn’t include food containers, “-free” food collocations and you didn’t mention any food allergy. The result is very poor. (5)
5. You created a healthy weekly menu for your school considering people with food intolerances and allergies.You showed a very good use of the vocabulary (“-free” food collocations, containers, healthy and healthy food) and you included all food intolerances and allergies in your menu. The result is amazing. (20)You showed a correct use of the vocabulary with very few mistakes (“-free” food collocations, containers, healthy and healthy food ) and you included vague references to all food intolerances and allergies in your menu. The result is correct. (15)You showed some mistakes when using the vocabulary ( “-free” food collocations, containers, healthy and healthy food ) and you only included some food intolerances and allergies in the menu You should revise them. (10)You showed many mistakes when using the vocabulary (“-free” food collocations, containers, healthy and healthy food ) and you didn’t include any food intolerance or allergy in the menu. You should include food intolerances and allergies and use the vocabulary in an appropriate way. (5)
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