- Example:
The queen lives in a palace.
La reina vive en un palacio.
- Spanish word:
- Audio:
The queen lives in a palace.
La reina vive en un palacio.
Wow! Look where I am now.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
It's Buckingham Palace, famous for the changing of the guard.
We are going to explore the place!
A large house that is the official home of a king or queen.
Una casa grande que es el hogar oficial de un rey o reina.
The queen lives in a palace.
La reina vive en un palacio.
Spatial orientation is very important.
What can we do first?
Let's play to improve it all together!
Follow the instructions to play the Moving Game in teams.
You already know what your challenge is and the activity that will bring you closer to the goal. But to succeed in your journey, you will need some strategies that will help you in this and other similar tasks. You will discover them in a diary that we call your Learning Diary.
This time we suggest you open it and complete STEP 1 of the Learning Journal before you start the activity you have just read about!
Click here to print or download the document: "Learning Diary"
Cheer up, you'll do great!
Ya conoces qué reto te proponemos alcanzar y te acabamos de plantear una actividad que te acercará a la meta. Pero para tener éxito en tu camino, necesitarás algunas estrategias que te servirán para esta y otras tareas parecidas. Las irás descubriendo en un diario que llamamos tu Diario de Aprendizaje.
En esta ocasión te proponemos que lo abras y completes el PASO 1 del Diario de aprendizaje antes de empezar la actividad que acabas de leer!
Haz clic aquí para descargar tu Diario de Aprendizaje.
¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
You have already finished the activity, Moving game. The beginnings may have caused fear and insecurityng it.
If you complete STEP 2 of the Learning Diary (Will I be able to do it?), you will see that those feelings are common when you start a task and reflecting on this will help you reduce your insecurities in the next activities.
Cheer up, you'll do great!
¡Ya has terminado la actividad, como es Moving game. Los comienzos te han podido crear miedos e inseguridades a la hora de realizarla.
Si completas el PASO 2 del Diario de aprendizaje (¿Seré capaz de hacerlo?) podrás ver que tus sentimientos son habituales cuando empezamos una tarea y reflexionar sobre ello te ayudará a que en las próximas actividades esa inseguridad sea cada vez menor.
¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!
Can you recognize directions in a song?
Move your body in the right way!
This can help you with your task.
Listen to the following song to identify directions.
Dance moving your hands like in the video.
Learning with your classmates is great!
Speak with them and interact together.
Working in teams is much better!
Can you identify the right directions?
Let's see it completing these activities.
Draw the picture you choose (tree, house, ball) in the correct place following the directions indicated by the arrows on the squares.
Follow the arrows on the square.
Colour the ball if it is in the right place.
If it is wrong, cross the ball and draw it in the correct place.
Draw the arrows to indicate the correct way to get the ball.
You can interchange them.
Invent and write your own way using the learned directions.
Let’s play a game.
In pairs, one is blindfolded and the other one is the guide.
The guide will say directions to go for the blindfolded classmate.
Move around the class or the playground.
Click here to consult our Guide for Cooperative Work to find out about The blind man and the guide.
Haz clic aquí para consultar la Guía de Trabajo Cooperativo. Aprenderás a usar la técnica “El ciego y el lazarillo”.
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