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4.1 Suggestive proposals



Niño Con Un Bocadillo (Bombilla Entre Signos De Exclamación) Y Una Niña.


A proposition or idea to be taken into consideration.

Proposición o idea para ser tenida en cuenta.


Her suggestion to go to the cinema was accepted.

Aceptaron su propuesta para ir al cine.

Spanish word:



1. How about my plans?


Let’s learn how to make suggestions.

You will need it in your email. 

Read this infographic carefully.


Niño Con Un Bocadillo (Bombilla Entre Signos De Exclamación) Y Una Niña.


A proposition or idea to be taken into consideration.

Proposición o idea para ser tenida en cuenta.


Her suggestion to go to the cinema was accepted.

Aceptaron su propuesta para ir al cine.

Spanish word:



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Learn how to make suggestions.

 Ahora aprenderás a hacer sugerencias.

Pictograma de dos personas, una proponiendo una idea a la otra.A suggestion is an idea that you propose to someone else.

Una sugerencia es una idea que propones a otra persona.

 Pictograma de tres personas viendo una película en el cine.For example watching a film at the cinema.

Por ejemplo ver una película en el cine.

You need suggestions to write your email.

Necesitas sugerencias para escribir tu email.

2. Memorisation

To reach a goal, you need to be strategic. That is to say, to have methods, techniques, "tricks" to get where you want to be sooner or more easily.

During this adventure you will learn many new things. So before we move on, let's see what you can do with the information so that you don't forget it. 

Now I'm going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your goal!

This strategy is called "Memorisation”.

When we memorise information properly, we can retrieve it and use it when we need it, for example, to solve the different activities that we propose.

In order to memorise information effectively and to make it easier for you to solve the final task, we are going to show you a trick.

Click on organize my time to memorise. With this trick you will be able to learn more and better.

I am sure you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para llegar a una meta, es conveniente que seas un buen o buena estratega. Es decir, tener métodos, técnicas, “trucos” para llegar antes o de forma más fácil donde tú quieres. 

Durante esta aventura vas a aprender muchas cosas nuevas. Así que antes de seguir avanzando, veamos qué puedes hacer con la información para que no se te olvide. 

Ahora te voy a enseñar una estrategia, ¡Aprovéchala para alcanzar tu reto!

Esta estrategia se llama “Memorización”.

Cuando memorizamos de forma adecuada podemos recuperar la información y utilizarla cuando la necesitemos, por ejemplo, para resolver las diferentes actividades que te proponemos.

Para conseguir memorizar la información de forma eficaz y que puedas resolver con mayor facilidad la tarea final, te vamos a enseñar un truco. 

Haz click en organizar mi tiempo para memorizar. Con este truco podrás aprender más y mejor.

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

3. Train your culture skills!


Once we have seen how to make suggestions, we are going to practise a little.

It will be very useful to make our leaflet.

Come on!


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Pictograma de dos personas, una proponiendo una idea a la otra.Now practise making suggestions.

Ahora practica cómo hacer sugerencias.

Pictograma de una persona trabajando sola en una mesa.Work on your own.

Trabaja solo o sola.

Pictograma de una persona eligiendo entre varias opciones.Choose the option you prefer.

Elige la opción que prefieras.

Option A: How about correcting these sentences?

 Read the sentences and say if they are correct or incorrect.

Option B: Planning my holidays!

Read the following email and choose the correct option in the blanks.

Good morning Peter.

My name is Carlos. I am planning your visit to my city, Seville. you will have a lot of fun. visiting the cathedral? it is one of the most beautiful places in the city. Or visiting the museum? it's best to tell me your preferences.



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Option C: How about practising?

Correct the mistakes in these sentences about “How about” and “I think”. Then listen to check your answers.

1. I think going to Cabo de Gata Natural Park?

2. How about visit the Picasso Museum?

3. How about going to the theatre is a fantastic idea.

4. I am think It is not a good idea to go to the procession. 


5. How think celebrating Holy Week at the beach?

6. How I think it is better to celebrate St Jean Day at the beach. 

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Option D: Cultural game

Write, cut and paste the dice. Then throw the dice and write sentences. 

Click here to download the document “Cultural game”.

Cultural game

Learning from my mistakes

How did you do in this activity?

Did you make a mistake?

It is normal to make mistakes when learning something new.

Failure is part of learning.

To learn from your mistakes, follow these tips:

  1. I examine the part where I have failed.
  2. Look for ways to improve that mistake.
  3. I try again.
  4. I understand that mistakes are important for learning.

Don't forget: when you make a mistake once, you learn for the next try.