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3. You're a game changer!


School break

Definition:Grupo de escolares comiendo la merienda en el comedor de la escuela

Spare time in the middle of the school timetable.

Tiempo de ocio en mitad del horario escolar.


Sometimes students need to relax in their school break to keep working.

A veces los alumnos necesitan relajarse en el recreo para poder seguir trabajando.

Spanish word:



To invent

Definition:Mujer sujetando una cartulina con una bombilla dibujada

Create or design something that has not existed before.

Crear o diseñar algo que no existía antes


I love to invent new devices to help people.

Me encanta inventar nuevos aparatos para ayudar a la gente.

Spanish word:



RÉTOR dice...

Hi, everyone! How is your body feeling?

I am sure you are ready to start thinking about our Super Sport League!

Remember, as we said before, you are going to participate in a Super Sport League inventing a new sport. 

At the moment, get ready to think about a sport you can play during the school break.

The following video will help you get some ideas.

To invent

Definition:Mujer sujetando una cartulina con una bombilla dibujada

Create or design something that has not existed before.

Crear o diseñar algo que no existía antes


I love to invent new devices to help people.

Me encanta inventar nuevos aparatos para ayudar a la gente.

Spanish word:


School break

Definition:Grupo de escolares comiendo la merienda en el comedor de la escuela

Spare time in the middle of the school timetable.

Tiempo de ocio en mitad del horario escolar.


Sometimes students need to relax in their school break to keep working.

A veces los alumnos necesitan relajarse en el recreo para poder seguir trabajando.

Spanish word:


Lectura facilitada




Are you ready to start our adventure?

¿Estás preparado para empezar nuestra aventura? 

Remember that we are going to participate in a sports league.

Recuerda que vamos a participar en una liga de deportes.

The league is called “Super Sport League”.

La liga se llama “Súper Liga Deportiva”.

In this league we have to invent a sport.

En esta liga tenemos que inventar un deporte.

Look at this video, it can help you.

Mira este video, puede ayudarte.