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4.3. Sound matters!



En la imagen puedes ver una mano acariciando a un periquito verde


To touch someone or something softly.

Tocar a alguien o algo suavemente.


He caresses his bird.

Él acaricia a su pájaro.

Spanish word:




En la imagen puedes ver una pista de audio que suena en un reproductor de música


Each piece of music that makes up a musical recording.

Cada pieza musical que compone una grabación musical.


This is the track playing on my music player.

Esta es la pista que suena en mi reproductor de música.

Spanish word:



1. Let’s record ourselves!

RETOR dice...Now that you know different instruments and their origins, try to record yourself reading a description of your instrument.

Have a look at these tips to do it properly.

Lectura facilitada


En la imagen aparece un pictograma que representa el pronombre túEn la imagen aparece un pictograma que representa la acción grabarEn la imagen aparece un pictograma que representa la voz digitalizadaYou record your voice.

Tú grabas tu voz.

En la imagen aparece un pictograma que representa la acción mirarEn la imagen aparece un pictograma que representa unas instruccionesLook at these instructions.

Tú miras las instrucciones.

En la imagen puedes ver una infografía que contiene los pasos a seguir para grabarse uno mismo hablando

Tips to record yourself:

  1. Go to a quiet room.
  2. Write a script to prepare what you want to say.
  3. Read it several times to practise.
  4. Make sure your microphone is on.
  5. Press the record button.
  6. Speak clearly and slowly.

Do you need extra help?

You can also check this guide about Audacity.

Option A: Record your voice and listen to it

Read these sentences aloud, record your voice and listen to the recording.

  1. This is a guitar. It has six strings.
  2. This is a piano. It has white and black paper keys.
  3. This is a drum. It’s made out of plastic and a can.
  4. These are two maracas. They are made out of plastic bottles, little stones and plastic tubes.

Option B: Choose the best recording

Listen to the recordings, choose the best and justify your choice.

Audio 1: 

Audio 2:

Audio 3:

Option C: Put this in order

Listen and put the description in the correct order.

  • This is a homemade guitar.
  • It’s made out of recycled materials.
  • Cardboard and strings.
  • It’s brown.



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