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2. Howling



 La imagen muestra una escoba y una flecha negra que señala hacia el palo de la misma.

The stick of a broom.

El palo de una escoba.


The broomstick broke and I couldn’t clean. 

El palo de la escoba se rompió y no pude limpiar. 

Spanish word:

Palo de escoba



La imagen muestra un cadáver en el ataúd.

A dead body.

Un cuerpo sin vida.


The corpses are in the morgue. 

Los cadáveres están en la morgue. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra un lobo aullando.

The long sound of a dog or a wolf. 

El sonido largo de un perro o un lobo. 


I hear the howl of a wolf in the distance. 

Oigo el aullido de un lobo en la distancia. 

Spanish word:




La imagen muestra una mano con una varilla de batir y un cazo.

To remove something.

Remover algo.


Stir all the ingredients for the soup.

Remueve todos los ingredientes para la sopa. 

Spanish word:



Rétor dice

Sounds are a very important part of a story, especially in an audio-described tale, they’re responsible for that spine-chilling feeling when you don’t know what’s going on. Is there any sound that you associate with vampires, werewolves, spiders, zombies, mummies, witches, skeletons or ghosts? What you remember at this stage will help you with the final task.

La imagen muestra una persona con los brazos cruzados y pegados al cuerpo temblando.Definition:

An intense cold sensation in the back.

Una sensación de frío intenso en la espalda.


If you scratch the blackboard I get the spine-chilling.

Si arañas la pizarra me dan escalofríos.

Easier to read


Sounds are a very important part in stories.

Los sonidos son una parte muy importante de las historias.

Sounds make you feel the chills in a horror story.

Los sonidos te hacen sentir escalofríos en una historia de miedo.

What sounds do you associate with vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc?

¿Qué sonidos asocias con vampiros, hombres lobos, zombis, etc.?

All this will help with the final task.

Todo esto te ayudará en la tarea final.

1. The sounds of fear

In groups, you will have to record the sounds that could match these pictures.

Motus dice ... Do you think your classmates are excited about this activity?

When you were doing this group activity, how were you feeling?

Maybe some of your classmates felt insecure or tense when doing the activity. Maybe someone helped them calm down. Someone could be angry, perhaps because they didn't know how to do the task.

When we work in a team, we can have different feelings. Knowing and understanding them will help us do the task successfully.

Follow these tips for the next team activities:

  • Think about how you are feeling.
  • Observe and ask your colleagues to find out how they are feeling.
  • Decide as a team what things you can do to feel better before you solve the activity.

2. Secret potion

Dare to stir the potion to go deeply into the terror words.

La imagen muestra una mano con una varilla de batir y un cazo. Definition:

To remove something.

Remover algo.


Stir all the ingredients for the soup.

Remueve todos los ingredientes para la sopa.

Option A: Brains

Option B: Tail of a rat

Option C: Eyeballs

Choose the correct word to complete the story.

Don't look back, run. Run as fast as you can, I thought.

Suddenly I saw it, I saw the nails transforming into and I heard a deep howl from the .

I didn't know what to do or where to hide, I was afraid that a would also appear out of nowhere and bite me with his sharp .

And I knew that I had to protect the no matter what, it was and couldn't fall into the wrong hands.

I looked up and the moon seemed to be enjoying my horror by casting its light on several of the in the deserted .

Oh no! There it came back, was it a howl or a cry?

I hoped it wasn’t a . My family means everything to me.

I woke up covered in sweat. I wanted to look out the window, check that it had been a horrible .

But... I felt someone's breath on the back of my neck and some red spots like drops of began to appear near my bare feet.

I finally opened my eyes, this time for real…

La imagen muestra un lobo aullando. Definition:

The long sound of a dog or a wolf.

El sonido largo de un perro o un lobo.


I hear the howl of a wolf in the distance.

Oigo el aullido de un lobo en la distancia.

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Option D: Princess’s hair

La imagen muestra los ojos de una persona muy abiertos mirando fijamente.

Design your horror character.

What makes your character so terrifying? Where does it live? You can draw it, describe it and even indicate what its voice or sounds would be like.

Kardia dice... What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

La imagen muestra un collage con doce imágenes que evocan terror.

There are many things that can scare you, although probably there are some that scare you more than others.

Perhaps you have seen a film or read a book that you have not been able to finish. You get goosebumps with the plot or any of the characters that appear in it. They make your heart beat faster or, suddenly, you feel a cold sweat running on your back.

Do you remember what was in that story or character that was so terrifying?

La imagen muestra una persona con los brazos cruzados y pegados al cuerpo temblando.Definition:

Something that is spine-chilling.

Algo que es escalofriante.


The snake is creepy, it freezes me.

La serpiente es escalofriante, me deja helado.