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5. At the travel agency

1. Conversation at the travel agency

Retor dice...Now you know what is necessary to take up the challenge. Remember the different parts you need to do:

  1. Gather in groups of four.
  2. Create an attractive leaflet with relevant information.
  3. Choose your roles. Who are the clients and the space travel agents?
  4. Create a conversation between clients and the company.
  5. Rehearse and act out your play.

Read the “Cooperative work guide”.


Lectura facilitada


Persona sentada en un pupitre levantando la mano.You already know everything you need to do your challenge.

Ya sabes todo lo necesario para hacer tu reto.

Remember that:

Recuerda que:

Imagen de un grupo de alumnadoYou are going to work in groups of four.

Vas a trabajar en grupos de cuatro.

Papel con información de un producto en forma de texto e imágenes.You have to make a leaflet with important information.

Tienes que hacer un panfleto con información importante.

Cuatro personas hablando entre ellasYou have to make a conversation between client and travel agent.

Tienes que hacer una conversación entre cliente y agente de viajes.

Una mano repartiendo algo a otras dos manos.Distribute the roles of each of you: clients and travel agents.

Reparte los papeles de cada uno: Clientes y agentes.

Dos personas disfrazadas actuando en un escenario.Practice and represent the situation.

Practica y representa la situación.

Remember what you learned until now.

Put into practice what you know:

  1. Use different words you learned in this unit.
  2. Use at least one sentence with comparatives or superlatives.
  3. You know the parts you need for the leaflet.
  4. Finally, practise and have fun with your friends.

Video script

TA. Hello, can I help you?
C. Hello. I want to book an exciting holiday. What do you suggest?
TA. We specialize in space travel. How many people are going?
C. Me and my wife.
TA. We have an offer for couples. Seven days in Mars for € 7000.
C. Is there an all inclusive package?
TA. Sure. Thtat’s more expensive, € 12000.
C. I’ll take the cheaper option.
TA. Ok.Thank you. I’ll make the arrangements.
C.Thank you. Goodbye.

TA stands for travel agent.
C stands for customer.

2. What have I learnt?

In this last step, I am going to ask you to think about what has been the most important thing you have learnt in order to achieve the challenge.

What you discover when thinking, will help you when you have to meet similar challenges in the future.

Stop for a moment and complete STEP 4 of your Learning Journal (What have I learned?)!

Click here to download

What have I learnt?


  • Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer.
  • If you fill it in on the computer, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

Go for it, you'll do great!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

En este último paso te voy a proponer que pienses en qué ha sido lo más importante de todo lo que has aprendido para conseguir el reto que te proponíamos. 

Lo que descubras pensando en ello te servirá para cuando tengas que alcanzar retos parecidos en un futuro. 

¡Para un momento y completa el PASO 4 de tu Diario de aprendizaje (¿Qué he aprendido?)!


  • Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador.
  • Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!

Check your partners' work

Remember the aspects that you must check:

  • Ability to ask for and give information about trips.
  • Use of comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Active participation in the conversation.
  • Ability to design an attractive leaflet.

Also take notice that number 1 is the minimum and number 4 is the maximum.

3. Peer assessment target

Colour the different parts according to what you think about your partner's work.

Click here to download

Peer assessment