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4.1 Skills for jobs




Something that must be done because it is necessary or essential.

Algo que debe hacerse porque es necesario o esencial.


The requirement to participate in the contest is to be underage.

El requisito para participar en el concurso es ser menor de edad.

Spanish word:



1. Train yourself for the future


Each job requires certain skills to be performed. 

Now you will learn some of these requirements and skills for the jobs of the future. 

Look, listen and repeat.



Something that must be done because it is necessary or essential.

Algo que debe hacerse porque es necesario o esencial.


The requirement to participate in the contest is to be underage.

El requisito para participar en el concurso es ser menor de edad.

Spanish word:



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Easy to read


People need abilities to do a job.

 Las personas necesitan habilidades para realizar un trabajo.

Now you can learn some abilities.

Ahora puedes aprender algunas habilidades.

These abilities are necessary for the jobs of the future.

Estas habilidades son necesarias para los trabajos del futuro.

Pictograma de la cabeza de una persona mirando hacia delante.First look at the images

Primero mira las imágenes.

Pictograma de la cabeza de una persona con la mano puesta en una oreja para escuchar mejor.Then listen to the audios.

Después escucha los audios.

Pictograma de una persona hablando.Finally repeat the abilities.

Por último repite las habilidades.

Speak different languages

Imagen del planeta tierra con bocadillos de diálogos alrededor en diferentes idiomas.

Have robotics knowledge

Joven arreglando un robot.

Have a university degree

Mujer con toga negra y gorro de graduada sosteniendo un diploma universitario.

Know computing programming

Manos de una persona programando en un ordenador portátil.

Have communication skills

 Mujer hablándole a otras mujeres y captando su atención.

Be creative

Mano sujetando un cucurucho de helado haciéndolo coincidir con una nube sobre él.

Have an environmental consciousness

Grupo de personal recogiendo residuos en el campo.

2. Show your skills


Now, show what you know about job skills. 

Let's practise individually with these exercises.

Choose the option you prefer.


Lectura facilitada

Easy to read


Now practice the abilities with these exercises.

Ahora practica las habilidades con estos ejercicios.

Pictograma de una persona trabajando sola en una mesa.Work on your own.

Trabaja solo o sola.

Pictograma de una persona eligiendo entre varias opciones.Choose the option you prefer.

Elige la opción que prefieras.

Option A: Match the skills to the pictures

Match the job skills with the images that represent them.

Option B: Are these skills correct?

Read the following sentences and say whether the job skills are true or false.

Question 1

1. A 3D designer has to have an environmental consciousness.

Question 2

2. A content creator has to be creative.

Question 3

3. An app designer has to have communication skills.

Question 4

4. A cybersecurity technician has to know computing programming.

Question 5

5. A renewable energy technician has to have a university degree.

Question 6

6. A robots and nanobots technician has to have robotics knowledge.

Question 7

7. A smart home designer has to speak languages.

Option C: What job skills are necessary?

Analyse and compare the two images. Write in your notebook which skills are necessary for each job. Then write down which skills match for both jobs.

If you prefer, click here to download the document “Analyse and compare”.

Analyse and compare

Option D: Apply for your favourite job

Write a letter applying for a job. 

You can apply for a future job or a job of your choice. 

Don't forget to write the skills you need to perform the job.

Click here to download the document “Job application”.

Job application

And what skills do you have?

To learn you also need certain skills.

You need to pay attention, memorise specific facts, understand information, trust yourself and maintain a positive attitude.

Becoming aware of your skills and putting them into practice will improve your school performance. 

Your skills are there, you just need to identify them.