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6. After



La imagen muestra dos manos cogiendo un círculo.

To gain or to obtain due to one’s personal effort.

Obtener gracias al esfuerzo personal.


He acquired a basic knowledge of Chinese.

Adquirió un conocimiento básico de chino.

Spanish word:

Obtener, adquirir


Look forward to

La imagen muestra a una persona mirando su reloj de muñeca.

To wait for an event with eagerness or excitement.

Esperar un acontecimiento con un gran deseo o emoción.


I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Espero volver a verle.

Spanish word:

Esperar (con ganas)


Retor diceCongratulations! 

I already knew that you were going to become an expert in creating your fandom club.

I am looking forward to reading all the reviews you publish. I won't miss a single one.

Keep in touch!

1. What you have done

Fans, fandoms and fanatics has helped you to…

Imagen en la que se muestra el recorrido aprendido a lo largo del REA: Crea tu club fandom; comparte el contenido usando la licencia correcta y escribe críticas adecuadamente; y finalmente respeta las opiniones de otras personas.

2. Other situations

By creating a fandom club you have acquired different skills to use in different situations. Now you can:

  • Participate in a debate.
  • Create your own blog about different topics and for different goals.
  • Organise any associations.
  • Attend a cosplay convention.
  • Earn pocket money by reviewing.
La imagen muestra dos manos cogiendo un círculo. Definition:

To gain or to obtain due to one’s personal effort.

Obtener gracias al esfuerzo personal.


He acquired a basic knowledge of Chinese.

Adquirió un conocimiento básico de chino.

3. To sum up

To conclude, let's remember the strategy or "trick" that you have learned during this challenge. 

We taught you this strategy or "trick" and you worked on it in the section “The Philosopher's Stone”. Go back to that section and review for a moment what it consisted of and how it helped you achieve the challenge we proposed. Now open the Learning Diary and complete the last page. 

In this section, you will keep valuable information about the strategy, in which activities you have applied it, whether it has been useful and what has been the most difficult for you. 

Keep up the good work, you're doing great! For your effort, you have earned your first badge here, which you will be credited with as Mega Strategist. Congratulations! 


- Ask your teacher whether you will fill it in on paper or on the computer. 

- If you fill it in on your pc, don't forget to save it on your computer when you finish it!

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para concluir, vamos a recordar la estrategia o el “truco” que has aprendido durante este reto. 

Esta estrategia o “truco” te lo enseñamos y lo trabajaste en el apartado “The Philosopher's Stone”.  Vuelve a dicho apartado y repasa un momento en qué consistía y cómo te sirvió para llegar a conseguir el reto que te proponíamos. Abre, ahora, el Diario de Aprendizaje y completa su última página. 

En este apartado guardarás información valiosa sobre la estrategia, en qué actividades las has aplicado, si ha sido útil y qué te ha resultado más difícil.

¡Sigue trabajando así! ¡Lo estás haciendo genial! Por tu esfuerzo has conseguido aquí la primera insignia que te acreditará como Mega-Estratega. ¡Enhorabuena! 


• Pregunta a tu profesor o profesora si la rellenarás en papel o en el ordenador. 

• Si la rellenas en el ordenador, ¡no te olvides de guardarla en tu ordenador cuando la termines!

4. Rubric

Fan, fandoms and fanatics
 ExcellentGoodNeeds improvementLow performance
1. You can select the content of your fandom club in a clear way.Your club includes all the important steps and the content is clear. (10)Your club includes all the important steps but the content is not always clear. (7,5)Your club does not include all the relevant steps and the content is not always clear. (5)Your club is not developed. (2,5)
2. You can defend cultural and artistic variety through your multimedia club.Your club includes a wide range of cultural and artistic variety. (10)Your club includes some reviews that show cultural and artistic variety. (7,5)Your club lacks some cultural and artistic variety. (5)Your club has no cultural or artistic variety at all. (2,5)
3. You can compose and pass along an average extension review respecting intellectual property and avoiding plagiarism.You compose and share an original review. (10)Your review has some quotes without quotation marks or some information or images where the source is not clear. (7,5)You do not always respect intellectual property or avoid plagiarism. (5)You do not produce an original review. (2,5)
4. You can write a well-structured review with a title, introduction, body and conclusion.You write a well-structured review with all the sequences. (10)You write a well-structured review but it lacks some elements. (7,5)You write a somewhat structured review but it lacks many elements. (5)Your written review is not well-structured. (2,5)
5. You can enrich your reviews by using a variety of adjectives, verbs to review, fandom words and other expressions. Your review is enriched by a wide variety of words dealing with the topic. (10)Your review is enriched by some words dealing with the topic. (7,5)Your review does not use a variety of words dealing with the topic. (5)Your review is very poor and lacks words dealing with the topic. (2,5)
6. You can use the defining relative clause to produce a cohesive and coherent review.You always use defining relative clauses when necessary to produce a cohesive and coherent review. (10)You use defining relative clauses occasionally to produce a cohesive and coherent review. (7,5)You do not use defining relative clauses when necessary and your review is not cohesive or coherent. (5)You do not use defining relative clauses and your review is not cohesive or coherent. (2,5)
7. You can use the necessary transition words and phrases and you use punctuation marks correctly. You always use all the necessary transition words, phrases and punctuation correctly. (10)You have a correct use of some of the necessary transition words, phrases or punctuation most of the time. (7,5)You do not correctly use transition words, phrases or punctuation. (5)Your use of transition words, phrases and punctuation is not correct. (2,5)
8. You can appreciate your classmates’ personal taste and their reviews. You always appreciate your classmates’ tastes and reviews. (10)You appreciate your classmates’ tastes and reviews most of the time. (7,5)You do not appreciate either your classmates’ reviews or their tastes. (5)You do not appreciate your classmates’ tastes or their reviews at all. (2,5)
9. You can use your learning diary to register and reflect upon your progress.You frequently use your learning diary to register and reflect upon your progress. (10)You sometimes use your learning diary to register and reflect upon your progress. (7,5)You occasionally use your learning diary to register your progress but you do not reflect upon it. (5)You do not use your learning. (2,5)
10. You can plan, write and revise your texts by using checklists and your learning diary.You always plan, write and revise your texts by using checklists and your learning diary. (10)You plan, write and revise your texts by using checklists and sometimes your learning diary. (7,5)You do not plan, write and revise your texts by using checklists or your learning diary. (5)Your review is not plannified or revised. (2,5)
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