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4.1 Introduction

7. Creating our lapbook

Retor Now, it’s time to work on the lapbook.

This is very important to organize and present our invention to our classmates.

Lapbook temática aves hecho por un niño/a.


Cardboard book used to present information about a topic.

Libro de cartulina que se utiliza para presentar la información acerca de un tema.


We made a Science lapbook.

Nosotros hicimos un lapbook de ciencias.

Lectura facilitada


Ejemplo de Lapbook You are going to make your lapbook.

Tú vas a hacer un lapbook.

Picto organizarEjemplo de Lapbook Invento Your lapbook is used to organize your ideas and present your invention.

Tu lapbook sirve para organizar tus ideas y presentar tu invento.

Infografía con algunos consejos de cara a la elaboración del Lapbook

Option A: Are they good or bad lapbooks?


1. Does this lapbook have pictures and drawings?

Fotografía ejemplo lapbook plantas


a) Yes, it has drawings and pictures.

b) No, it doesn’t have drawings and pictures.



2. Does this lapbook have different sections?

Lapbook infantil sobre la India


a) Yes, it has different sections

b) No, it doesn’t have different sections.



3. Is this lapbook colorful and attractive?

Lapbook infantil sobre los números


a) Yes, it is colorful and attractive.

b) No, it’s not colorful and attractive.



4. Does this lapbook have papers with different shapes?

Fotografía ejemplo lapbook imanes


a) Yes, it has papers with different shapes

b) No, it hasn't papers with different shapes


Option B: Complete the lapbook

Option C: Look at the lapbook and answer the questions

Document to fill out (Opens in a new window)

Accede al recurso Telephone lapbook

Option D: Choose an important invention and create a lapbook

How do you present your invention? Here you have some inventions.

  • Computer
  • Airplane
  • Car
  • Vaccination

8. Software to record your voice

Do you know how to record your voice? You can use Audacity. It’s really easy.

Captura del programa Audacity

Do you need extra help?

You can learn more about Audicity here.

9. Will you be able to do this activity?

To reach a goal, you should be a good strategist. That is, having methods, techniques, “tricks” to get to where you want to be before or more easily.

Now I am going to teach you a strategy, take advantage of it to reach your challenge!

The strategy is to memorize information through problem solving. This will help you through information organizers such as the lapbook that you are going to create.

You can find everything you need about this strategy in the following link to the Learn to Learn Guide.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Para llegar a una meta, es conveniente que seas un buen o buena estratega. Es decir, tener métodos, técnicas, "trucos" para llegar antes o de forma más fácil donde tú quieres.

Ahora te voy a enseñar una estrategia, ¡Aprovéchala para alcanzar tu reto!

La estrategia es memorizar información a través para resolver problemas. Este te ayudará a través de organizadores de la información como el lapbook que vas a crear. 

Podrás encontrar todo lo que necesitas sobre esta estrategia en el siguiente enlace a la Guía de la Competencia de Aprender a Aprender.

¡Ánimo, que lo harás genial!