3. It appears to be misleading

Tentative language plays an important role in presenting a convincing argument or claim. You should indicate:

  • your level of confidence in your conclusions
  • the strength of the evidence on which you are basing your claims

Consider the differences between the two sentences below:

  • Diet was an important factor in the health of the respondents.
  • The evidence suggests that diet was an important factor in the health of the respondents.

The first sentence presents the findings with absolute certainty. Such a claim would need to be supported by very strong evidence. The second sentence is a hedged claim, indicating that the evidence is not sufficient to make an outright claim, or that it could allow for other interpretations.

Hedged claims can be made by qualifying quantity, frequency or probability.

Infograph on Tentative language
Image by CMedina in easel.ly

Caso práctico

Give it a try

Image by author usingCool Text

How good are you at tentative language?

Read the sentences below. Identify the hedging expressions. Then check your answers in the Feedback section.

1. The writer appears to be very popular and seems to be loved and respected by her audience.

2. We could go swimming and I could show you some of my new surroundings.

3. Young drivers are more likely to have accidents than older ones.

4. It seems that the more money you make, the more freedom of speech you possess.

5. Research suggests that exercising on an empty stomach allows you to lose more weight.

6. That is most probably the worst review I have read on the movie.

7. It may not be the correct answer, but it is the most likely.

8. It was probably the best concert in the world.

9. It may be said that the commitment to some of the projects was less strong than it is now.

10. It has been suggested that 2019 was the warmest summer in history.

Using one of the language forms included in the infograph, transform the sentences into tentative language. Check our proposed sentences in the Feedback section.

1. We don't know when he began writing.

2. She will arrive when the party has already started.

3. Research has proved that there is a cure for weight loss.

4. You have to brush your teeth five times a day, after every meal.

5. I have attached the calendar for exam dates.

6. The man driving that bus is my brother.

7. To avoid the road works, the police are telling drivers to take Highway 73.

8. Electors know that he was involved in dishonest negotiations.

9. They saw the burglar get into the museum through a window.

10. The team captain told Catherine she would be on the Olympic team.